Archive | September 2009

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Islam and Democracy: Text, Tradition, and History

Islam and Democracy: Text, Tradition, and History by Ahrar Ahmad This paper challenges the popular perception that Islam and democracy are incompatible, and argues that the lack of democracy in some Muslim countries is not because of Islam but in spite of it. This argument will be developed in two stages. First, it will […]


SENI LUKIS: DAN PEMIKIRANNYA PADA MASA PERMULAAN ISLAM Oleh Abdul Hadi W. M. Salah satu perwujudan estetika Islam yang sering dikesampingkan ialah seni lukis. Padahal tradisinya memiliki sejarah panjang. Sebab-sebabnya mungkin karena seni lukis dalam tradisi Islam berkembang pesat di luar kebudayaan Arab, seperti Persia, Asia Tengah, Turki, India Mughal, dan Nusantara. Sedangkan apa yang […]

Sa’di, Pujangga Sufistik Persia

KISAH-KISAH PENDEK  SA`DI Abdul Hadi W. M. Sa`di adalah seorang penyair lirik dan penulis kisah-kisah perumpamaan paling terkemuka dalam sejarah sastra Persia. Karya-karyanya dikagumi di Timur dan di Barat. Nama lengkapnya Musharifuddin bin Muslihuddin `Abdullah al-Shirazi. Dia menggunakan takhallus (nama pena) Sa`di untuk menghormati pelindungnya seorang atabeq atau gubernur provinsi Pars pada awal abad ke-13 […]

Perjalanan Menuju Allah

by Muhammad Bagir, MA Perjalanan menuju Allah merupakan perjalanan yang sangat panjang yang penuh harapan, yang tidak ada batasnya, karena tujuan dan harapannya adalah Allah Swt. Allah Swt memerintahkan kepada kita untuk mencari wasilah yang akan menyampaikan kita kepada-Nya. Allah Berfirman, “Hai orang-orang beriman, patuhlah kepada Allah dan carilah wasilah kepada-Nya.” (Al-Ma’idah:80) “orang-orang yang berdo’a […]

Islamic Philosopher Biography: Khwajah Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, (1201-74)

Khwajah Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, (1201-74) While philosophical activity in the Islamic west virtually ceased after Ibn Rushd at the close of the sixth century AH (twelfth century AD), it experienced renewed vigour in the east through the intellectual efforts and political involvement of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi.


History of Islamic Philosophy ISLAMIC PHILOSOPHY POST IBN RUSYD by: Ahmad Y. Samantho (ICAS) There are, at least three or four groups for the contemporary Islamic Philosophical discourse  after Ibn Rushd (Averos) era, that is: The ‘Rushdian Philosopy’ or Averoismm of Ibn Rusd which tend to Pure Peripatecism inclination of Aristotelianism (Demonstratif-reasoning/Rational/ Burhani). Averoism then […]


AN INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC PHILOSOPHY ABDOURRASOUL OBOUDIYYAT Introduction Knowing Philosophy What is Philosophy? Methodology of Research in Philosophy The Relation Between Sciences and Philosophy Should Philosophy be Learned? Chapter 1 What is Philosophy? The purpose of this chapter is to define philosophy. Universal, real sciences,(1) however, are often defined by their subject. To define philosophy, […]

Presentasi Kuliah Sejarah Filsafat Barat Modern di ICAS-Paramadina University th 2003

A History of Modern Western Philosophy Syllabus for Islamic College for Advanced Studies (ICAS) Jakarta 2006 Dr. F. Budi Hardiman Description of the Lecture Modern science, technology and life style cannot be understood without understanding the intellectual background of our modernity. The discourse on scientific truth, secularization, and rationality is based on the intellectual and […]

ISLAMIC WORLD & CIVILIZATION Reform, Dependency, and Recovery

ISLAMIC WORLD & CIVILIZATION Reform, Dependency, and Recovery (1683 to the present)* by: Ahmad Y. Samantho, S.IP ( ICAS-Jakarta Student of  Magister Programe on Islamic Philosophy) Introduction The history of the Muslims in modern times has often been explained in terms of the impact and hegemony of “the West.” From this perspective, the 18th century […]


Walau usang, mungkin bisa merupakan sumbangan pemikiran. Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri. Maaf lahir batin, kepada rekan sekalian. (Abdul Hadi WM) K O R U P S I Abdul Hadi W. M. Korupsi bukanlah hal baru di Indonesia . Ia telah lama berakar dan merasuk dalam kehidupan masyarakat kita, terutama di kalangan pejabat negara dan […]

Atlantis in the Java Sea

A scientific effort to match Plato’s narrative location for Atlantis


Membahas ISU-ISU Penting bagi Anak Bangsa, Berbagi Ide, dan Saling Cinta


رَبَّنَا آتِنَا مِنْ لَدُنْكَ رَحْمَةً وَهَيِّئْ لَنَا مِنْ أَمْرِنَا رَشَدًا


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